Friday, November 4

We did it...Kinda :)

So...Ava is a DREAM baby. At least, she's a dream baby AT HOME. Seriously. She feeds great, sleeps wonderfully through the day and when she's awake, she is smiley and she coos up a storm. She will just sit on my lap forever, content and happy. Even during the most "challenging" and frustrating times, when she is up until 1am...she's not crying or fussing, but just wide awake, smiley and just won't fall asleep. Even then, she's happy as a clam. When she wakes up in the morning or at night, she doesn't cry...she just lays in her little bassinet and grunts until I go get her. The only time she cries is when she is hungry and I take too long to get ready to feed her.

WELL, change location to the car seat and all bets are off. To be honest, I don't get it. She just hates her car seat...or is the car? I'm not sure! Maybe she doesn't like the fact that she faces backwards and can't see anything or anyone. Maybe she is hot in her car seat. No clue. BUT, what I do know is that she screams and screams and screams every time we get in the car. I'm not just talking crying...but a full on, angry scream. She's mad! It breaks my heart to hear her cry like that, especially when I am driving because I can't do anything about it. I have tried everything - I feed her, rock her to sleep, put her in her car seat asleep...still wakes up crying. Because of this, I avoid leaving the house with her at all costs haha. I have been out running errands and she is screaming

But, I am getting to the point where I am feeling a little homebound. So today, I decided to do an experiment. I didn't NEED to go anywhere, but I wanted to get out and just walk around without feeling panicked if she cries like, "Oh shoot, she's screaming, but I NEED to get these errands done," and then leaving the store all anxious and sad. I fed her, put her in her car seat "drowsy"

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