Sunday, June 17


Dear Daddy,

Thank you for playing with me.
Thank you for throwing me up in the air so high I feel like I am flying.
Thank you for taking me swimming.
Thank you for letting me sleep next to you when I am teething and wake up in the middle of the night.
Thank you for reading me stories in your funny kid voice.
Thank you for singing to me while I take a bath every night.
Thank you for letting me climb all over you like a human jungle gym.
Thank you for loving me instantly - from the moment you saw me.
Thank you for being my daddy. 
Happy "Dada's" Day! :)

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This video is so funny. 
No, she doesn't know what "dada" means,
but she has started learning how to mimic me when I say dada or baba or something like that. 
And of course on Father's Day, I caught this on video. 

1 comment:

jenni said...

Oh my goodness Ashley, your "Dear Daddy" made me teary! So sweet!
Jenni Shirley (Jeff's cousin)

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