Sunday, June 17

Happy Father's Day!

My dad.
I honestly don't think I can adequately describe how much I love, admire, respect and am grateful for my dad.
He is wonderful beyond words - a superhero dad without question.

My dad has taught me many important lessons...
but none more important than teaching me the kind of man I should someday marry. 

As a young girl, I watched him ADORE my mom.
I remember squealing in "disgust" as they would kiss in the kitchen, and giggling when he called her gorgeous.
There was no question of his love for her. 
And hers of him.

He did laundry, cleaned the house, helped with dinner and homework and did the dishes...every single day. 
When my mom passed away, he did it all as a single dad...
...and he did more.
He curled our hair, sat in the leather chairs at American Eagle while his daughters shopped and even offered his opinion on jeans, hair styles and shoes.
He listened to me talk of boys, dreams, insecurities, goals.
And he did more than just listen...he was genuinely interested. 
He cared.

I have never heard my dad say one unkind word to or about anyone. 
I have never heard him yell or raise his voice.
He is kind, generous, thoughtful, selfless, strong, smart, positive, patient and hopeful. 
He has more faith than anyone I know.
He has spent his life thinking tirelessly of everyone but himself.
(He is the kind of man who would wear the same worn tennis shoes from college if we didn't take him to the store and make him buy new ones).
He is the best of the best.

I am blessed beyond words that he is my dad.

New daddy and baby Ashley (2 hours old)
Love you Daddio! 

1 comment:

Dad said...

Thanks Ashley. Love you

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