Friday, June 22

SoMa StrEat Food Park

Tonight, Bryson took Ava and I across the bridge, into the city.
I love nights like this. 
It never gets old...that view of the Bay Bridge as you come out of the tunnel.
He took us to a street food park...several food trucks selling foods of all kinds. 
We ordered a couple sliders and a burrito stuffed with Indian-spiced curry potatoes, chicken and rice.
And then I got a Belgian waffle. Because you can't pass up a Belgian waffle.
Ava chowed down on the bananas off my waffle.
Which, naturally came with a free sampling of whipped cream.
What a spoiled baby.
Ava enjoyed staring and laughing at all the puppies walk by and waving at every person who made eye contact with her.
And she really enjoyed the Chinese Dragons as they danced and jumped all over the place.
I'm not exactly sure why they were there, but they were very neat to watch.
I thought she was going to be afraid of them because the drums and music were so loud.
Ohhh no, she LOVED them.
Ava was LAUGHING so hard; harder than I have ever heard her laugh before.
Who can blame her, these things go against everything she has ever known in her life haha.
I was just laughing watching her so enthralled, mesmerized...utterly entertained.

I caught a tiny bit of her laughing at the dragons on video, but this is nothing, seriously. 
I'm not kidding, she was going nuts over these things. 
People were even watching her and laughing along at with her. :)
She was having the time of her life.

Thanks for a fun night in the city, honey!

1 comment:

Adri and Russ Lee said...

Mmm. That looks both fun AND delicious. I love the video - at the end she's like "Hey wait...where did the music go?"

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