Sunday, August 21

Babies, Babies Everywhere!

I feel like everyone and their mother are having babies right now! I know so many people who have just had their sweet, precious babies and I'm not going to lie, it makes me SO "hungry" for our baby to arrive! 4 weeks feels SO short compared to the 36 weeks I have been pregnant so far, but at the same time...4 weeks seems like F.O.R.E.V.E.R! :)

I have such mixed feelings about her coming early. On one hand, I am soooo ready to meet her, dress her up, kiss her little cheeks and see what she looks like. I also would love her to be on the "smaller" size versus a 10 pound, 2-week overdue chunker haha. On the other hand, I realize that she is MUCH easier to take care of while she is still on the inside than she will be on the outside! haha SO, I am deciding to take the next 4 weeks and ENJOY sleeping in, relaxing, and all that good stuff because I know my life is about to change in such a drastic way. When will I ever get to sleep in past 9:00 after the baby is born? Probably not for 20 years haha.

I added this picture because it looks like I might have dropped?? I don't know...
I feel like I have a lot to do to get ready for her to come. Kaitlyn will be here on Tuesday and I am putting her to work haha. She is most organized person I know and I am hoping she will help me with some stuff that seems overwhelming to do by myself haha:

Wash all baby clothes and organize closet
Nursery ready
Final shopping for baby stuff
Pack bag for hospital (include check-in form and birth plan)
Freezer meals
Maternity pictures (MAYBE. I'm usually not a fan, but maybe she can take just a few)

Other than those things, we will relax, sit by the pool, go on walks, eat ice cream (because I crave ice cream all the time) and talk, a lot. I also want to go to the Jelly Bean Factory because I have heard it's really cool.

So, that's it for now. I am feeling comfortable for the most part, very happy and incredibly grateful for so many things. I am grateful for my sweet, supportive and patient husband, wonderful family near and far, and healthy, growing baby. I am so grateful to be living in Walnut Creek. For the first couple weeks, living here was an adjustment (naturally) but I fell in love with the area very quickly. Mostly, it's the people here. I honestly feel that Heavenly Father guided us to the exact place that we need to be where we could meet some wonderful people! We are very, very blessed!


The Potters said...

Can i just say how absolutely BLESSED you are to have only gained 15 pounds and have no stretch marks!! HOLY CRAP! JEALOUS!!

Ashley said...

The key word is YET Lauren! I still have 4 weeks! I'm sure I won't escape stretch marks completely!!!

Jenni Rollins said...

That last few weeks are the longest...sadly.

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