Tuesday, October 18

2 week checkup

Today I took Ava to the Pediatrician for her 2 week check-up. She is actually 2 1/2 weeks...but close enough. :) It was our first outing, just us girls and it went very smoothly. :)

Here are her stats:

Height: 22.5 inches (98th percentile)
Weight: 9 lbs, 13.8 oz (86th percentile)
Head circumference: 14.49 inches (62nd percentile)

So, as you can see...she is LONG and actually pretty lean. She isn't chunky at all, just very, very long. She is gaining weight well - she is a champion eater, that's for sure! Her belly is starting to chunk up and I love that little rolly polly belly! :)

Ava has been sleeping for 6 hours straight for the last 3 nights! Once she wakes up from that 6 hour stretch, she eats and then sleeps for another 3 1/2 - 4 hours. I don't know if it will last...but getting 6 hours of sleep is nice! :) She has always been a good sleeper, so hopefully this will continue. :) When she was born, the doctor and lactation specialists told me to wake her up every 3 hours to eat. Today, the doctor said that since she is gaining weight so well and is over 9 pounds now, I can let her sleep as long as she wants to sleep. LOVE that! Thank you, thank you, thank you. :)

The doctor also checked Ava's neck strength by having her lay on her tummy and seeing if she can hold her head up. I have noticed that Ava is really good at holding her head up. When I hold her up on my shoulder to burp her or lay her on her tummy, she holds her head up really well and for a long time. I looked up online when babies are supposed to be able to hold their heads up and it said that by the end of the 1st month, they will be able to hold their head up briefly. Well today, when the doctor put Ava on her tummy, Ava pulled her head up and held it there for a long time and the doctor was SO impressed. She said, "OH my goodness, that is SO good for a 2 week old!" That's my girl! I am one proud momma haha.

Anyway, we love our sweet Ava Loo. :)

1 comment:

The Potters said...

Wow, your baby is long too!! :) I'm so impressed.. kent still has a hard time holding his head up. Great job momma!!! :)

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