Wednesday, September 28

Tonight's the Night!

It is Wednesday morning and I just go the call from my doctor to tell me that she has moved my induction date to TONIGHT!! Originally, she had told me that Wednesday (9 days overdue) was "too soon" and that Labor and Delivery would "never be okay with doing it that early." Early?! Excuse me, what? haha. SO, we had scheduled a Friday evening induction (11 days overdue) because that was the only thing available (nothing on Thursday), but she told me that I could call Labor and Delivery on Tuesday and see if anyone had cancelled their inductions for Thursday and left an opening for me. (Are you following?? haha) So I called on Tuesday (yesterday) and they told me that they only openings they had were for Wednesday but that I would have to call my doctor and then she would have to approve. Well, it just so happened that my doctor was "out of the office" for the afternoon and I could not contact her until the next morning (this morning). I emailed her, left her an "urgent message" through the advice line of the hospital, AND called her directly asking her to approve a Wednesday induction. I was convinced that she would never be okay with a Wednesday induction (being "too early" and all), but decided that it doesn't hurt to TRY. Well, this morning, she called me and said, "Okay, call Labor and Delivery tonight at 5:00pm and they will tell you when to come in." I jumped up and squealed, "TONIGHT??" She laughed, "Yes, tonight." Then I said "thank you" about a billion times, hung up the phone and screamed with excitement!

SO, we will see how it goes! For some reason, I have it in my mind that it's still too good to be true. I am half expecting to call Labor and Delivery tonight and have them say, "Oh, nothing is available for you...come back in 2 weeks." haha. I can't imagine actually going in and getting things still seems so out of reach! It's very surreal. It's actually kind of nice knowing that it's happening tonight...we can slowly get the apartment in order (or not, since I have been meticulously cleaning and doing laundry every day for the last week in anticipation ha), make sure we have everything we need in the hospital bags, install the car seat base, take showers and naps, and all that good stuff.

Bryson came home early from work, my mother-in-law extended her stay for another week (she is amazing) and we're just waiting until 5:00 rolls around so we can call Labor and Delivery and see when they want us to come in. Our baby girl will be here sometime tonight or tomorrow morning! September 28th or 29th - those are good birthays! :) I am excited, nervous, happy, scared, anxious, ecstatic...all rolled into one. Here we go....

Thing I am looking forward to doing once I am no longer pregnant:

  • Loving on my baby girl (obviously)
  • Eating Subway (no lunch meat while pregnant), Sushi, and things like feta cheese on my pasta
  • No more heartburn!!
  • Sleeping on my stomach and back
  • People talking to my face rather than my belly haha
We looooooooooove you baby, can't wait to squeeze those baby bunns! See you soon!

Monday, September 26


I figure it's easier and faster to update my blog than to call everyone who has been asking haha. SO, here goes.
41 weeks pregnant
Baby is one week overdue as of today. I went in today to the doctor to do a NST (Non Stress Test) because that's what they do once you are 41 weeks. I actually really liked it - I LOVE all the information I got from it! I am someone who loves information - you can never have too much of it! So, they took me to a room with a few beds and had me lay down and hooked two little "microphone" monitors to my belly. One was monitoring the baby's heartbeat and one was monitoring contractions. The lady turned on the "microphones" as she called them, and I could hear the little boom boom boom of my baby's heartbeat...nice and steady because the baby was asleep. Of course, she wanted to measure the heartbeat while the baby is moving around and kicking, so I did a little poking and shoving and woke her up. I sat there for 30 minutes while the machine tracked the heartbeat and contractions. After about 30 minutes, the lady said everything looks perfect. Baby has a strong heartbeat, reacts perfectly to contractions and all that good stuff. Then, she did an ultrasound to check positioning and to make sure there is enough amniotic fluid. It was SO cute to see her little toes and her fluttering heart. The ultrasound lady said that the baby is sitting head down, with her back squished against the left side of my body and her little feet against the right side - which makes perfect sense considering she is always kicking my right side. I also asked about size (because everyone knows my fear of having a huge baby). I told her, "I was 9 1/2 pounds...does my baby look that big?" She said, "Honey, I would be surprised if she is over 8 pounds 2 ounces." I have no idea where she got that random 2 ounces from, but I can definitely deal with an 8 pounder! Of course, there is no way to actually tell weight, but she said that judging by my weight and that I'm not "that big" it doesn't look like the baby could possibly be 9 pounds.

A few randoms:

  • I am STILL the exact same weight that I have been for the last month. Maybe no one else thinks that's strange, but I do...because my belly is getting bigger by the minute haha. 
  • No stretch marks...which I realized today must be kind of rare because ALL the ladies in the NST room had tons of them. 
  • I am still only dilated to a 2, 70% effaced, and baby has dropped lower...but not super low. 
  • Pregnancy has brought out an occasionally irregular heartbeat for me, so when they take my blood pressure on the machine, it reads really high. But, when they take it manually, it's nice and that's good news. 
  • We still have 2 names ready and when we see her, we hope we will just know which one is right for her.
  • Bouncing endlessly on an exercise ball does absolutely nothing. At least not for me! haha
Overall, I am progressing very slowly...but still progressing, which is good. If the baby decides she is just as snug as a bug and doesn't come soon, I have an induction scheduled for Friday evening. I asked my doctor today if she could move it up a day or two and she said she will call and see if there is an opening for Thursday...I am PRAYING for Thursday rather than Friday night! 

And that's all for now! Just know that we will DEFINITELY have a baby THIS WEEK. I will be a MOM by the end of this week. CRAZY! :) Can't wait to kiss those baby cheeks!!

Friday, September 23

In case you were wondering...

Just in case you are wondering what it looks like to be 4 days overdue...

Go easy on me :)

So...let's see. I have gained a total of 25 pounds. For the last 3 weeks, I have been the same weight, which I don't understand since my belly has definitely continued to grow and grow. That means the baby is still growing. The doctor said she is probably around 8 pounds and probably on the upper end of 8 pounds. Great news, huh? (ha). My little rolly polly. I still do not have a single stretch mark, which I think is a miracle. I am starting to just feel back is hurting, my body aches by the end of the day...I am ready to no longer be pregnant. :) Yesterday, it was soooo hot here (in the 90's), I went to Costco and walked around for an hour, eating samples and just walking for the sake of walking. Then, I went to the gym and walked 2 miles on the tredmill. And still...nothing. So, we have a stubborn little one on our hands. Like mother, like daughter. :)

I will miss my little shelf. But not that much.
My phone resting on my belly

Wednesday, September 21

We are still waiting :)

The baby is officially 2 days overdue. I had a doctor's appointment today and she said I am still only dilated to a 2, but my cervix is thinning out really well (I never know if talking about dialating and effacing is TMI...if so, I'm sorry!) and the baby has dropped really low. Everything looks good...but things could happen tomorrow or couldn't happen for another week. Who knows!! My doctor will not induce me until next week (11 days after my due date). SO, at the VERY latest, we will have a baby by the 30th. Holy cow, that feels SO far away. Hopefully she will come before then! :) I have been having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions for a while now...but nothing regular or painful.

I went to Target with Bryson tonight to buy an exercise ball so I can bounce all day long and possibly get things rolling. I was worried that it would be $20...but they were on clearance for (drum roll please...) $2 !!!! What a little miracle haha. No big deal, I know...but what are the chances that on the day that we actually want to buy an exercise ball, they are marked down to $2? A little tender mercy I think. :) 

I am trying REALLY hard to not get anxious and annoyed haha. I know she will come when she is ready, but sometimes I just want a baby in my arms already! :) She is just as snug as a bug in my belly...I think she just enjoys kicking my ribs too much. :) I need to find a project to do while I wait so I don't drive myself crazy thinking about it. 

Anyway, that's it for now! 

Sunday, September 18

Oakland Temple

Today we had Stake Conference at the building right next to the Oakland Temple. It was beautiful, the weather was amazing and it was a perfect day to take some pictures. :) We went up to the terrace of the temple and could see all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge. We love California! :)


0 days???

Oh my gosh! This morning, I saw something CRAZY!! 

The day I found out I was pregnant....waaaaay back in January...I made a countdown on the dashboard of my computer. I checked it all the time when I used the calendar or the calculator and slowly watched the numbers get smaller and smaller. BUT, I can honestly say that I never thought this day would come when it would say 0 days, 13 hours....meaning TOMORROW is her due date! Of course, that doesn't mean she will COME in 0 days, 13 hours haha...but how did this day arrive so quickly??

I honestly still feel great! I feel like a lot of girls at this stage feel upset that their baby hasn't come yet...but I don't. I am ready for her whenever she decides to come, but I know it will happen when it's supposed to happen. I am hoping for a healthy, chubby, rolly polly little baby girl. :) 

Friday, September 16

Get in my belly

I was looking through old videos on the webcam and saw this one from when I was about 20 weeks along. I remember thinking I looked "SO" pregnant and I would be shocked when people couldn't tell that I was half way through my pregnancy haha...let alone pregnant at all! NOW, I understand. :) 

Now, fast forward 20 weeks to my current 40 (in a day or two) week pregnant status. It's crazy to watch your body change so much over 9-10 months. It's also amazing that your body can do such a miraculous thing and create a baby! Sometimes it just baffles my mind thinking about how it all works. 

Hope you enjoyed those lovely videos haha. :)

Thursday, September 15

GOooo Cougars!

I told Bryson I thought it would be funny if the baby decides to come during the BYU-Utah game on Saturday...her first act of defiance as if to say, "Guess who's in charge now?" haha. I know Bryson wouldn't hesitate for a moment to turn off the game and he wouldn't even think twice about it while we were in the hospital (or maybe just twice haha)...but it would be a great story. :)

Then, tonight I saw this commercial and it made me laugh. Ohhh college football season is officially here. :)

Love my honey hubby so much! :)

Wednesday, September 14

Tragedy and Up All Night

We had a little tragedy last night in our house. I had made my "old blog" (the one I had YESTERDAY) with an "old template" from blogger. I was looking around at some stuff on blogger... curiosity...and I pushed the WRONG button, didn't back up the old template and BAM it was erased. I searched forever trying to find out how to make it go back to the way it was...but noooo. SO, I had to re-invent myself. Haha. Mostly for now I am just experimenting with different elements and features on the blog, and it's a work in progress. BUT, at least it's not completely blank and barren like it was several hours ago. OH well. :) So, if you are wondering why the new was not planned haha.

BUT there are some things I like better. I like that if you want to search for a post (or access the blog archive), just click on the SEARCH tab and you can search posts and labels. I also put all of my favorite links and blogs that I look at regularly in the FAVORITES tab so I have easy access them and it cleans up the main page. I also like the aqua and grey combo - a favorite of mine right now haha. It has been interesting learning little bits of HTML coding to fix and add things here and there. HTML is like a foreign language for sure! ALSO, my 30-day free trial of Photoshop expired last night as I was making the header, so Bryson is going to get me Photoshop soon so I can have that again! (Thank you Adobe!)

And on another note...this show looks so funny and it couldn't come at a more perfect time! Hopefully it's funny!!

Just thinking...

Just sitting here, thinking of this little bug. MY little bug. :)
These were taken at 20 weeks - almost 20 weeks ago! Crazy how time has gone by so quickly!
We were lucky to get such a great profile shot of our sweet baby girl! I've seen other ultrasound pictures that don't look nearly as clear. 
We loved watching her stretch. Sweet, sweet, sweet. :)
Now that it's down to the final countdown, I can't help but wonder so many things about her. What will she look like? How much will she weigh? What color hair and eyes will she have? Will she be lucky enough to inherit Bryson's long eyelashes? haha. Will she be stubborn like me? 

When will she come?

Here's a picture of Bryson as a baby:

And here's one of me: (check out those ears!! haha)
Who will she look like??

I know my life is about to change drastically - like never before. There are parts of me that are scared, parts that are already exhausted just thinking about it, parts of me that are so excited...but the biggest part is just in love. In love with a baby girl that will be completely new to this world. Somehow deeply in love with this tiny person who I've never met. In love with my little squishy little bug. 

Saturday, September 10

Oh Sister

I will never get over how much this video makes me laugh! Nothing better than some horrible dance moves to funny music. :) Kaitlyn always makes fun of me for my "step-clap, step-clap" dance haha. 

Classic! I hope someday I can give my little girl a sister, too! :)

The Waiting Game

39 weeks
I can't believe I can say that the baby is due in a week give or take a couple days! Who knows when she will actually come, but it's getting SO close! 

So, at 39 weeks...I am feeling great! I know she could come at any time, so I am enjoying sleeping in and being spontaneous while I can. :) At my doctor's appointment on Thursday, I had gained more weight than I care to share BUT luckily, the number does fall in the lowest end of the recommended weight gain. Every girl knows you will gain weight during pregnancy, but it still isn't easy to see those numbers towards the end haha. They are numbers you have avoided your whole life and all of a sudden...BAM, there they are. :) I also have been incredibly lucky make it to 39 weeks without a single stretch mark. I check every morning, just knowing that they will probably show up the day she decides to come haha. Bryson and I have 2 names picked out and we're ready to see her cute little face and know that once we see her we can make our decision. :)

 Bryson and I went to our last class at the hospital the other night and the teacher asked us all to introduce ourselves and answer a few questions. One of the questions was "Is your house ready for the baby?" Everyone else at the class was 28 or 30 weeks along and they all said, "Nooo." They all kind of gasped a little when they heard I was 38 1/2 weeks along and laughed when I said "Yes, we are bags are packed and everything!" 

Tonight we went to a movie, realizing this could be one of the last movies we see as a "childless" couple. Crazy!

I finally made some "freezer meals." I have just been freezing half of what we are having for dinner each night, but at least that's a meal in the freezer. :) I think I've made 3 so far...with plans to make 2 more. We'll see. 

My mother-in-law will be here in 6 days! Can't wait! 

And now it's just waiting, waiting, waiting. 

And for your viewing pleasure: some awkward, "I'm bored" pictures. :) 
What do you do with too much free time??

Monday, September 5

The Story of A Bear

The other day I received a package in the mail. Under the brown paper packaging was a brown shoe box and inside the shoe box was a sweet note explaining the contents of the box. This box was from my aunt; my mom's identical twin sister. She explained that 10 years ago after my mom passed away, my  dad sent her some of my mom's clothes. My aunt then took my mom's favorite pajama bottoms and made them into this little stuffed bear. I remember my mom wearing these pajama pants and I am in LOVE with the fact that my baby girl can snuggle up with something that was belonged to my mom. I know she will cherish this as much as I do. She also had one of my mom's dresses made into a tiny, sweet jumper for the baby. It is SO cute and I just LOVE it! Thank you, thank you, thank you Auntie! 

Here are a few other details in the baby's room, which is finally done. Or at least as done as it's going to get before she arrives. :)

We already LOVE you so much baby girl! We can't wait to meet you!

38 weeks and counting

38 weeks pregnant and feeling great! I'm sure the baby will not be arriving any time soon because I really do feel great! Last night, Bryson and I took a walk. We only walked about a mile, but I could have kept going and going. We are ready whenever she decides to come...but we are enjoying being "just the two of us" until she does. :) I DO feel huuuuge, but when I tell people that I only have 2 weeks to go, they are always SHOCKED because they think I look smaller than 38 weeks. On our walk last night, we hit a new milestone and finally decided that we "probably" know what our baby's name will be haha. It's the closest we've gotten so far! We still aren't 100% set, but we're closer. :)

Here's a picture of me at 38 weeks...standing in front of our pathetic, dying flowers on our balcony haha. Bryson said, "You grow babies much better than you grow flowers." Hopefully that's true! Our poor flowers haha. 


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