Wednesday, September 21

We are still waiting :)

The baby is officially 2 days overdue. I had a doctor's appointment today and she said I am still only dilated to a 2, but my cervix is thinning out really well (I never know if talking about dialating and effacing is TMI...if so, I'm sorry!) and the baby has dropped really low. Everything looks good...but things could happen tomorrow or couldn't happen for another week. Who knows!! My doctor will not induce me until next week (11 days after my due date). SO, at the VERY latest, we will have a baby by the 30th. Holy cow, that feels SO far away. Hopefully she will come before then! :) I have been having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions for a while now...but nothing regular or painful.

I went to Target with Bryson tonight to buy an exercise ball so I can bounce all day long and possibly get things rolling. I was worried that it would be $20...but they were on clearance for (drum roll please...) $2 !!!! What a little miracle haha. No big deal, I know...but what are the chances that on the day that we actually want to buy an exercise ball, they are marked down to $2? A little tender mercy I think. :) 

I am trying REALLY hard to not get anxious and annoyed haha. I know she will come when she is ready, but sometimes I just want a baby in my arms already! :) She is just as snug as a bug in my belly...I think she just enjoys kicking my ribs too much. :) I need to find a project to do while I wait so I don't drive myself crazy thinking about it. 

Anyway, that's it for now! 


Jenni Rollins said...

I've been thinking about you non-stop and wondering. =) I had my baby 3 days past her due date. The night before, I had a lot of Braxton Hicks and dilated a couple more inches so they could strip my membranes, and they tried to do that and my water broke. I guess I couldn't get started on my own =P. That's what I suggest. =) Hang in there. The last few days are the longest, but it'll happen sooner than you know =)

Once Upon an Equine said...

This is very exciting!. On pins and needles waiting to hear of baby "R's" arrival. with the bouncy ball, I guess you are literally bouncing off the walls waiting for your girly to make her debut? Good luck with everything. And have a happy "birth day".

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