Monday, September 26


I figure it's easier and faster to update my blog than to call everyone who has been asking haha. SO, here goes.
41 weeks pregnant
Baby is one week overdue as of today. I went in today to the doctor to do a NST (Non Stress Test) because that's what they do once you are 41 weeks. I actually really liked it - I LOVE all the information I got from it! I am someone who loves information - you can never have too much of it! So, they took me to a room with a few beds and had me lay down and hooked two little "microphone" monitors to my belly. One was monitoring the baby's heartbeat and one was monitoring contractions. The lady turned on the "microphones" as she called them, and I could hear the little boom boom boom of my baby's heartbeat...nice and steady because the baby was asleep. Of course, she wanted to measure the heartbeat while the baby is moving around and kicking, so I did a little poking and shoving and woke her up. I sat there for 30 minutes while the machine tracked the heartbeat and contractions. After about 30 minutes, the lady said everything looks perfect. Baby has a strong heartbeat, reacts perfectly to contractions and all that good stuff. Then, she did an ultrasound to check positioning and to make sure there is enough amniotic fluid. It was SO cute to see her little toes and her fluttering heart. The ultrasound lady said that the baby is sitting head down, with her back squished against the left side of my body and her little feet against the right side - which makes perfect sense considering she is always kicking my right side. I also asked about size (because everyone knows my fear of having a huge baby). I told her, "I was 9 1/2 pounds...does my baby look that big?" She said, "Honey, I would be surprised if she is over 8 pounds 2 ounces." I have no idea where she got that random 2 ounces from, but I can definitely deal with an 8 pounder! Of course, there is no way to actually tell weight, but she said that judging by my weight and that I'm not "that big" it doesn't look like the baby could possibly be 9 pounds.

A few randoms:

  • I am STILL the exact same weight that I have been for the last month. Maybe no one else thinks that's strange, but I do...because my belly is getting bigger by the minute haha. 
  • No stretch marks...which I realized today must be kind of rare because ALL the ladies in the NST room had tons of them. 
  • I am still only dilated to a 2, 70% effaced, and baby has dropped lower...but not super low. 
  • Pregnancy has brought out an occasionally irregular heartbeat for me, so when they take my blood pressure on the machine, it reads really high. But, when they take it manually, it's nice and that's good news. 
  • We still have 2 names ready and when we see her, we hope we will just know which one is right for her.
  • Bouncing endlessly on an exercise ball does absolutely nothing. At least not for me! haha
Overall, I am progressing very slowly...but still progressing, which is good. If the baby decides she is just as snug as a bug and doesn't come soon, I have an induction scheduled for Friday evening. I asked my doctor today if she could move it up a day or two and she said she will call and see if there is an opening for Thursday...I am PRAYING for Thursday rather than Friday night! 

And that's all for now! Just know that we will DEFINITELY have a baby THIS WEEK. I will be a MOM by the end of this week. CRAZY! :) Can't wait to kiss those baby cheeks!!


John and Morgan said...

You're so close! Hooray! I'm so anxious and excited for you!

Adri and Russ Lee said...

Wow. For some reason it never hit me that having a baby makes you a mom! haha THAT'S SO AWESOME!
I heard somewhere that whether or not you get stretch marks is genetic, but I haven't really looked into it that much. You're just lucky, I guess!
The BYU game is Friday night. Hopefully the hospital has ESPN for the game and BYUtv for General Conference. :) ha!
You being a week overdue is seriously freaking me out that I'm going to be overdue.

I think that's all I have to say :)

jen said...

You look positively adorable. I was a week overdue with Carter and still terrified to deliver....I wanted him to stay in forever. But it was perfectly fine.

You are such a great mother!

Ashley said...

Jen, I am such a stalker and I'm obsessed right now with everyone's birth stories, so I totally went on your old blog and read your birth story from when you had Carter. :) I am so nervous, too! We'll see how it goes!! Ahh!

Jenni Rollins said...


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